
Bullying Podcast Transcript Part 4
June 26, 2022

KarateBuilt Podcast Transcript – Bullying Prevention Part 4-A

Transcript of Bullying Prevention Part 4-Section A… Myths Truths and What to Do! At KarateBuilt Martial Arts, Sr. Master Sanborn and I…

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Stop Looking at BMI (Body Mass Index)! It’s a poor measure of health…

Even Doctors are doing this wrong… About a year ago (April, 2021) I shared a bunch of articles regarding weight and health –…

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Bullying Podcast Transcript Part 2
June 2, 2022

KarateBuilt Podcast Transcript – Bullying Prevention Part 2-C

Transcript of Bullying Prevention Part 2-Section C… Myths Truths and What to Do! At KarateBuilt Martial Arts, Sr. Master Sanborn and I…

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Bullying Podcast Transcript Part 2
May 28, 2022

KarateBuilt Podcast Transcript – Bullying Prevention Part 2-B

Transcript of Bullying Prevention Part 2-Section B… Myths Truths and What to Do! At KarateBuilt Martial Arts, Sr. Master Sanborn and I…

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Bullying Podcast Transcript Part 2
May 24, 2022

KarateBuilt Podcast Transcript – Bullying Prevention Part 2-A

Transcript of Bullying Prevention Part 2-Section A… Myths Truths and What to Do! At KarateBuilt Martial Arts, Sr. Master Sanborn and I…

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Bullying Podcast Transcript
May 22, 2022

KarateBuilt Podcast Transcript – Bullying Prevention Part 1-C

Transcript of Bullying Prevention Part 1-Section C… Myths Truths and What to do! At KarateBuilt Martial Arts, Sr. Master Sanborn and I…

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Bullying Podcast Transcript
May 17, 2022

KarateBuilt Podcast Transcript – Bullying Prevention Part 1-B

Transcript of Bullying Prevention Part 1-Section B… Myths Truths and What to do! At KarateBuilt Martial Arts, Sr. Master Sanborn and I…

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Vision and Goals
March 28, 2022


Download the Complete Handout for Parents by Clicking HERE How To Set REAL Goals And Have A Vision For Your Child… 10x-100x…

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ADHD Support for parents and teachers!
March 2, 2022


Download the Complete Handout for Parents by Clicking HERE What To Do If Your Child If Hyperactive or Inattentive… First…Don’t Panic! Kids…

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