KarateBuilt - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!

KarateBuilt Martial Arts Podcasts

Critical information for families, kids, and adults!

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Respect Part 2

Respect Part 2 is about the REAL benefits YOU get by following the KarateBuilt.com Martial Arts definition of respect: "Treating others the way they SHOULD be treated!". This is not the traditional "Golden Rule". Ch. Master Moody will change your point of view about traditional definitions of respect and how it will affect you! In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody - Respect Part II" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover how showing Respect positively affects you and has a ripple effect to the people around us.

Interview with Sensei Marty Callahan – Puppies and Kittens!

A great interview with 8th Degree Black Belt, Sensei Marty Callahan! He is a multi-book author with over 5 decades of martial arts experience. Listen to his story about how observing puppies and kittens and how they develop unearths truths about how WE develop. The lessons will explain how parents may or may not provide a proper environment to develop strong adults, helps parents AND teachers and instructors with what to do, plus some tidbits even for us adults! - Greg Moody - KarateBuilt.com, DrGregMoody.com

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Respect Part 1 (Audio)

Respect Part 1 ( (Audio) may surprise you because Ch. Master Moody will change your point of view about traditional definitions of respect and how it will affect you! In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody - Respect Part I" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover how the traditional "Golden Rule" is misleading and what you should follow instead. Respect has benefits not just to the people around us but to ourselves and is critical to pay attention to these skills in children and adults.

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Respect Part 1

Respect Part 1 may surprise you because Ch. Master Moody will change your point of view about traditional definitions of respect and how it will affect you! In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody - Respect Part I" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover how the traditional "Golden Rule" is misleading and what you should follow instead. Respect has benefits not just to the people around us but to ourselves and is critical to pay attention to these skills in children and adults.

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 2 – Audio

Part 2 Audio! Self-Esteem is a foundation of so much of our life. High self-esteem relates to school success (relates directly to grades)... better relationships to people at work as adults... and much better marriages! Unfortunately the myths and incorrect views on self esteem are hurting self-esteem and confidence in all walks of life. When depression and other mental health issues are an epidemic in the country (26.2 % of the population can be diagnosed with a mental disorder) we know it's important. There are, however ways to build self-esteem that parents, educators, professionals and employers need to know. In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 2" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover the difference between self esteem and happiness (too often these are conflated), the critical internal structure of self-esteem, myths and truths of confidence and finally how to build long term, solid self-esteem in children and adults.

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 2

Part 2! Self-Esteem is a foundation of so much of our life. High self-esteem relates to school success (relates directly to grades)... better relationships to people at work as adults... and much better marriages! Unfortunately the myths and incorrect views on self esteem are hurting self-esteem and confidence in all walks of life. When depression and other mental health issues are an epidemic in the country (26.2 % of the population can be diagnosed with a mental disorder) we know it's important. There are, however ways to build self-esteem that parents, educators, professionals and employers need to know. In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 2" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover the difference between self esteem and happiness (too often these are conflated), the critical internal structure of self-esteem, myths and truths of confidence and finally how to build long term, solid self-esteem in children and adults.

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 1 Audio

Self-Esteem is a foundation of so much of our life. High self-esteem relates to school success (relates directly to grades)... better relationships to people at work as adults... and much better marriages! Unfortunately the myths and incorrect views on self esteem are hurting self-esteem and confidence in all walks of life. When depression and other mental health issues are an epidemic in the country (26.2 % of the population can be diagnosed with a mental disorder) we know it's important. There are, however ways to build self-esteem that parents, educators, professionals and employers need to know. In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 1" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover the difference between self esteem and happiness (too often these are conflated), the critical internal structure of self-esteem, myths and truths of confidence and finally how to build long term, solid self-esteem in children and adults.

Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 1

Self-Esteem is a foundation of so much of our life. High self-esteem relates to school success (relates directly to grades)... better relationships to people at work as adults... and much better marriages! Unfortunately the myths and incorrect views on self esteem are hurting self-esteem and confidence in all walks of life. When depression and other mental health issues are an epidemic in the country (26.2 % of the population can be diagnosed with a mental disorder) we know it's important. There are, however ways to build self-esteem that parents, educators, professionals and employers need to know. In the "Life Success With Dr. Greg Moody – Self-Esteem Part 1" Podcast, Dr. Greg Moody, Master Instructor will cover the difference between self esteem and happiness (too often these are conflated), the critical internal structure of self-esteem, myths and truths of confidence and finally how to build long term, solid self-esteem in children and adults.

The Purpose of Training…

We speak a lot about the next goals - training to be a Black Belt or what your next midterm or color belt is going to be but every so often it's crucial that we take a minute and think about the real purpose. It's NOT the belt... For every student we, at one point (and probably more than once) talked about the Past / the Present / and the Future with you - and the instructor probably filled out a page like the one on top where we wrote in where you started and what the future would look like if you gained the skills of a 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree Black Belt... In this Podcast, Dr. Moody, Master Instructor helps you work out what your individual purpose is and what you can get out of training (and how to get even more out of it).
